Planning developments on farm, including fencing, roads, dams, irrigation or sheds usually requires multiple sources of information to ensure you get it right.
LISTmap (Land Information System Tasmania) is a resource managed by the Department of Natural Resources and Environment (NRE). It is an online map application that allows people to view, create and share their own customized maps of Tasmania. It includes over 900 separate layers of information. The LIST is extremely valuable for supporting decisions about developments on farm.
The LISTmap tutorial video, delivered by Pinion Advisory, is designed to assist Tasmanian producers to use the resource and make more informed decision making on farm, showcasing some of the useful functions it can perform which are useful for farm planning. There are additional helpful resources below. This how-to video has been created from an agricultural perspective and includes information we believe would be helpful for Tasmanian farmers.
Link to LIST:
ttps:// Other tutorial videos developed by the Department of Natural Resources and Environment (NRE) PDF document LIST: